Friday, August 8, 2008

Dragon Flies Galore

Kaia and I where out lounging in the yard and we noticed a lot of dragon flies. 7 of our raspberry sticks had a dragon fly setting on the top of them. There was a beautiful black and white stripped one that I didn't get a picture of so imagine a zebra plus one of these. The dragon flies seem to be out and about.


Marie said...

did she really watch them? How cute!

Marie said...

P.S. how do you post on Aug. 8th when it is only the 1st?

Annette said...

There's a place you can say what date you want it to post (so because we where in Alaska and I didn't want anyone thinking I don't update my blog often enough I put a date in the future in). Any how some how I found a bug and it posted it earlier than the date that I told it to. I've got some great hacking skills!!!

Annette said...

No, she really didn't watch them but it was a great story. At the end she wasn't crying over dragon flies it was because she wanted to be picked up off the grass. What a stinker pie.