Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our Alaskan Cruise

We had a great time on our Alaskan cruise through the inside passage. We started in Seattle, sailed a day on the sea, stopped in Juneau, Skagway, Tracy Arm Fjord(Scenic Cruising), Ketchikan, Victoria, British Columbia, and back to Seattle. We had a wonderful time thanks to Grandma Anderson!


Unknown said...

Lots of fun Shots. Thanks for putting it together.

John A.

Annette said...

Can't wait to see your shots. You'll have to email as a few.

Missy Lee said...

Hey Annette~
How are you? I always think about you and wonder what ever happened to you! Your baby is adorable!! Where are you living? We should get together and catch up. Are you going to the reunion? Check out my blog for the latest with my little fam.
Hope to hear back from you!!

Andrea and Chuck said...

Wow I found another neighbors blog. Looks like you had fun on your trip. I want to hear all about it.

Candice said...

Hey! I love it being a reunion year. It's made it alot easier to track down old friends. How are you? Looks like your trip to Alaska was awesome. I especilly liked the pics from the Butchart Garden. Drop me a line sometime, it'd be great to catch up!
-Candice Blackman(Thomas)

Annette said...

Anderea - I will definitely be visiting your cooking blog when in need of dinner!