Monday, February 16, 2009

Adam's Hair Doo

This is what happens when Adam does Kaia's hair. And yes Adam should be wearing that shirt instead. (Here comes trouble.)


ednleesa said...

I'm Impressed!!Will you come and give me a new style too?? I think when u turn 51 you're supposed to have lik'a that purple or blue hair aren't ya?? =)

Natalie Murray said...

I love it! So cute...better than what my dad used to do with our hair & much better than what lance can do! :)

A Tango with the Tingey's said...

That is just hilarious. So Adam. Can't wait to see what Chris comes up with, so far there isn't enough hair to be that creative :) Is that Phebe in the slideshow? We are going to be in UT around Easter, we should get everyone together! Call me sometime!

Melissa said...

That is too funny!